Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Caramel Apple Election ~ A Product Review

Would you like to educate your students regarding voting prior to the elections?
Last Year I had the chance to review the book, the Caramel Apple Election. It is a fabulous way to teach about voting. It not only explains what voting is, it also covers concepts as what to do when there is a tie vote and absentee ballots. I chose to use the book with my own children for the review.

The book comes with ballots and "I voted" sticker templates in the back. I really like that the activity models actual voting. My hubby and I bring our boys to the voting booths with us to expose them to the voting process. So, this book and subsequent activities cemented the concept for them.
The book has a charming tale of a family who cannot agree on what type of apple is better with caramel, green or red. So, they make the decision to have a mock election at their school. The family is extremely likeable and fun.
The book is recommended for Kindergarten through twelfth grades. I read it to my five and nine year old. My five year old had a difficult time paying attention as the book was a little lengthy for him. The nine year old enjoyed it very much.
We followed up the book by having the whole family do our own caramel apple election. Four of us preferred the green apple and one favored both. It was a blast!
Check them out on Facebook
You can purchase the Caramel Apple Election at Granny Apple Publishing , through Caramel Apple or through Amazon.
Disclaimer: The previous post may contain affiliate links. If these links are clicked, I may receive monetary compensation. If this is a product review, I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Makeover

Most of my day is spent in my classroom. I spend more waking time in this room than I do at home. What's even more amazing is that most of my students spend more time with me than their parents. Therefore, the classroom should be an inviting and safe place to be. 

When I first walked into my new classroom, I immediately fell in love with the large windows that lit up the space. I also loved the size of the room. My last classroom was the size of a closet.I did not, however, fall in love with the wood paneling. Despite the large windows, it made the room look very dark.
So, I set out to fix this right away.

It took me three days, two cans of paint and many sore muscles. But, it was worth every penny! It truly is amazing what a can of pain can do!

Monday, September 30, 2013

A New Beginning

A year ago, I had retired after sixteen years of teaching. Thinking that I wanted to try being a stay at home mom. I did not regret this decision in the least. My children are the highlight of my life.
That being said, I really missed being a teacher. I always was so proud of my chosen path in life and quickly learned that I was not quite ready to retire. I missed it so much. I struggled with my identity quite a bit.
I have returned to the classroom this year and my children and I have begun this new adventure together. Two of my three boys are attending the school with me.
Welcome to my new journey.